CaricatuRo 23

This year saw the first CaricatuRo convention in Bucharest, organised by the Chibrits, to raise the profile of caricatures in Romania. I attended with my wife Daniela Balan and a handful of local artists, who were treated to such international speakers as Jan Op De Beeck, Jota Leal, Bernd Weidenauer and Manny Avetysian.


Daniela Draws

Some recent snapshots of my beautiful wife Daniela at work and her drawings.




Caricature Workshop

My first Advanced Live Caricature Workshop, in Leicester at LCB, was a huge success, with all 10 particpating artists enthralled for 4 hours, then we overflowed to the local bar, where the drawing continued. Feedback has been positive and has encouraged me to run future workshops, along the same lines and even tailored to a less advanced audience. I look forward to the future and thank those who attended. 

Caricature Workshop

caricature workshop

This week I created and launched my first Advanced Live Caricature Workshop, in Leicester at LCB, aimed at professional caricaturists, who want to explore new techniques and improve their speed, while drawing live. Proud to say the ten places were snapped up in just 24 hours and the event is cemented in my diary. I just have to make sure the content is understandable and inspiring!